Interview Tips and Trick

Interview Tips and Trick

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When preparing for a job interview it can be quite stressful and perhaps even slightly daunting to some. But do not fret, interviews are not half as scary if you do your homework and prepare as much as possible!

Some interview facts to be aware of:

  • 33% of bosses know within the first 90 seconds of an interview whether they will hire someone.

  • Having little to no knowledge of the company is the most common mistake made during interviews

  • 67% of bosses say that failure to make eye contact is a common nonverbal mistake. A close second is using too many hand gestures or fiddling with your hair.

  • When meeting new people, 55% of the impact comes from the way the person dresses, acts and walks through the door.

Top Five Most Common Mistakes at an interview:

  1. Failing to Ask for the job

  2. Failing to set yourself apart from other candidates

  3. Inadequate Research on the employer

  4. Not showing enough enthusiasm or interest

  5. Over explaining why you left/lost your previous job

5 Most Likely Questions to be asked:

  1. Tell me about yourself

  2. Why did you leave your last job

  3. What do you know about our company

  4. Why do you want to work for us

  5. Tell me about your experience

Most common Tips about Interviewing

  • Learn about the organisation

  • Have a good understanding of the job you are applying for

  • Review your qualifications for the job

  • Be ready to briefly describe your relevance and experience

These are all common tips but unfortunately many of us forget the simplest things during an interview which can hinder our chances of success, so take note and remember to do your research! 

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